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CONVINUS Global Mobility Alert - Week 20.2024


BEST PRACTICE What is the goal? The same reasons apply as for the "home country approach" (see Part 1). Why is this approach used? The same reasons apply as for the "home country approach" (see Part 1). In which cases should this approach be used? Here, too, there is no difference to the "home country approach" (see Part 1). What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? The same advantages and disadvantages can also be cited for the "balance sheet calculation" as for the "home country approach" (see Part 1). OVERVIEW OF THE SERIES "COMPENSATION APPROACHES FOR POSTINGS": Part 1: Remuneration approaches for secondments: "Home country approach" from 08.05.2024 Part 2: Remuneration approaches for secondments: "net-net approach" (balance sheet) Part 3: Remuneration approaches for secondments: "host country approach" Part 4: Remuneration approaches for secondments: "International approach" 8

CONVINUS Webinare & Seminare mit Zertifikat für Ihren Karriere-Booster im Bereich Global Mobility Auf folgendes können Sie sich verlassen: Erstklassige Referenten Topaktuelle Themen und Praxisfälle zur anschaulichen Darstellung Autodidaktisch sehr gut aufbereitete und ausführliche Foliensätze Flexibilität (nehmen Sie an einem x- beliebigen Ort mit Ihrem Laptop teil) Geringer Zeitaufwand (Webinare 60 Minuten und Seminare 180 Minuten) Günstige Massnahme zur Fortbildung

Global Mobility Alert



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