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CONVINUS Global Mobility Alert - Week 29.2024


GLOBAL MOBILITY ALERT Unser wöchentlicher Service für Sie Our free weekly service for you T H A N K Y O U F O R R E A D I N G Zurich Basel Geneva Zug Talstrasse 70 CH-8001 Zurich Aeschengraben 29 CH-4051 Basel Postfach CH-1215 Geneva Turmstrasse 18 CH-6300 Zug Tel. +41 44 250 20 20 Fax +41 44 250 20 22 Tel. +41 61 508 20 40 Fax +41 61 508 20 44 Tel. +41 22 508 20 60 Fax +41 22 508 20 66 Tel. +41 41 508 20 70 Fax +41 41 508 20 77 info@ info.basel@ info.genf@ info.zug@ NOTE: The contents of this newsletter represent only general information and are in no way a substitute for individual advice. The contents have been selected with great care, but CONVINUS accepts no liability for any damage whatsoever resulting from the use of the information provided here. The entire content of the newsletter is the intellectual property of CONVINUS and is subject to copyright. Any modification, copying, distribution and public reproduction of the content or parts thereof requires the prior written consent of CONVINUS. IMPRINT: Publisher: CONVINUS GmbH ∙ Talstrasse 70 ∙ CH-8001 Zurich Tel. +41 44 250 20 20 ∙ Fax +41 44 250 20 22 ∙ ∙ © CONVINUS GmbH You can also visit us on LinkedIn & Youtube Legal disclaimer The content of this presentation is for general guidance only and should by no means be used as a substitute for an individual consultation with professional accounting, tax, legal or other competent advisers. While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information delivered with this presentation has been obtained from reliable sources, CONVINUS is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. The entire content of this webinar is the intellectual property of CONVINUS and is under copyright. Any modification, duplication, distribution and public disclosure of the content or parts there of requires the written consent of CONVINUS. 12

Global Mobility Alert



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