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CONVINUS Global Mobility Alert - Week 44.2024

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  • Nationals
  • Visa
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  • Schweizer
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  • Permit
  • Swiss
  • Schweiz
  • Switzerland


NEWS UPDATE NOVEMBER 1,2024 South Africa: Publication of the guidelines for points for a general work visa and the criteria for a work visa for critical skills Südafrika: Veröffentlichung der Leitlinien für Punkte für ein allgemeines Arbeitsvisum und der Kriterien für ein Arbeitsvisum für kritische Qualifikationen The Home Office has published the allocation of points and criteria for the General Work Visa and Critical Skills Work Visa under the new points-based system for assessing work visa applications. The new points-based system has reduced the documentation requirements compared to the previous immigration process for these visas. This is expected to result in shorter processing times for the General Work Visa and the Critical Skills Work Visa. Applicants applying for a Critical Skills Work Visa must score at least 100 points for an occupation listed on the Critical Skills List. Those applying for a general work visa must score at least 100 points according to a point system that takes into account factors such as educational qualifications, salary level, years of experience, language proficiency and employer status. Das Innenministerium hat die Zuteilung von Punkten und Kriterien für das allgemeine Arbeitsvisum und das Arbeitsvisum für kritische Qualifikationen im Rahmen des neuen punktebasierten Systems zur Beurteilung von Arbeitsvisumsanträgen veröffentlicht. 4 Das neue punktebasierte System hat die Anforderungen an die Unterlagen im Vergleich zum früheren Einwanderungsverfahren für diese Visa reduziert. Hierdurch wird mit kürzeren Bearbeitungszeiten für das allgemeine Arbeitsvisum und das Arbeitsvisum für kritische Qualifikationen gerechnet. Antragsteller, die ein Critical Skills Work Visa beantragen, müssen mindestens 100 Punkte für einen Beruf erreichen, der auf der Liste der kritischen Fähigkeiten aufgeführt ist. Diejenigen, die ein allgemeines Arbeitsvisum beantragen, müssen mindestens 100 Punkte nach einem Punktesystem erreichen, das Faktoren wie Bildungsabschlüsse, Gehaltsniveau, Jahre der Erfahrung, Sprachkenntnisse und den Status des Arbeitgebers berücksichtigt.

BEST PRACTICE Case study: Family reunification of thirdcountry nationals by EU/EFTA citizens, third-country nationals and Swiss nationals - comparison of the legal and practical bases BRIZIDA ALANI, CONVINUS Our core business is obtaining work permits for management transfers as well as for other foreign expatriates and other employees who wish to work in Switzerland. However, a good majority of this population comes to Switzerland accompanied by family. In principle, the immigration of spouses and children is not a challenge, even if the filing deadlines are sometimes very short. When it comes to relatives in the ascending line, i.e. parents, grandparents and parents-in-law, the legal basis is different. Family reunification of spouses and children - gainful employment of spouses The reunification of spouses and children is permitted provided that the legal deadlines are met and that suitable accommodation, a joint household and sufficient financial resources are available. Spouses and children of Swiss nationals and of persons with a settlement permit (C permit) or residence permit (B permit) have a legal right to self-employment or employment without an additional permit procedure in accordance with Art. 46 AIG in connection with Art. 27 VZAE. In the case of spouses of short-term residents (L permit), the labor market authority can disregard the priority of nationals and the quotas and authorize gainful employment at the employer's request (Art. 30 para. 1 AIG in conjunction with Art. 26 VZAE). In principle, well-educated spouses of short-term residents have been granted a work permit in almost all cases. However, search efforts must still be made in most cantons. 5

Global Mobility Alert



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